I haven’t been able to write, let alone post as often as I’d like. My ideal when starting this blog was to post a few times a WEEK. But as a wife, and mother of four (2 which are being homeschool) that may have been a little unrealistic. So after coming home from a truly inspiring Women’s Study, I felt called to write. After logging into my site, I realized that I had a number of posts in my saved file. These were posts never posted.
I thought about clicking into one of them and adding some finishing touches, after some (I’m sure) much needed editing. But I couldn’t decide which one to choose. And it was then that it hit me. Some of my writing is just for me.
I love to share the ups and downs of being a mom. The things I’ve learned as a wife, and as a woman my continuous search to follow my calling. But sometimes God allows me to write, from start to finish, and then calls me to move on. So I guess I’m shared this because it’s important for me to tell you that I’m writing regularly. But that some lessons are personal, intimate moments with God.
By many standards there, not groundbreaking ones, but He designed them just for me. I am honor to realize that He is always speaking to me. Even now I’m learning that the number of posts I complete shouldn’t be my primary focus. But capturing the voice behind the message.
Thank you, Lord for using all of us to do your works in the ways that you see fit. May we be silent in your presence to hear what it is that you have to say. And may your will guide our feet. Help us to stay on the path, and follow you all the days of our life. -Amen