Bible studies are important, but you we understand why? I have recently completed an eleven-week Bible study. It was a huge commitment not only to myself but my family as well. Unbeknown to me, at the time, when I signed myself up I also agreed to follow unspoken rules. By adding my name to the list and buying our study book, Beth Moore David: Seeking a Heart Like His, I was promising to work diligently on my daily devotions, attend every Monday night meeting, and participate in open and honest group discussions with women I didn’t know personally. Each one of these tasks, in themselves, don’t seem to be difficult to achieve. But, the devil was at work each week attempting to steal my joy and excitement for this study.
These kinds of trials should be a reminder to all of us. If the devil fights it, then it is from God…So be ready to fight long, and hard for it.
Daily Devotions– Each week we were assigned a daily task to complete (five per week). Ideally, we were supposed to do one each day, but many times one day would be spent making up for missed days. I was faced with challenges each week. My children would need more help than usual on their assignments, or my toddler would fight her nap or shorten its length altogether. And I’m embarrassed to say, I’d allow T.V., social media, and other unimportant activities rob me of time that I could have spent in the word. Oh, but once I was in the Word it drew me in. This study required more reading, searching, and writing than any I had done before.
Attendants– Every Monday night I had to push myself to get out the door. Again, with full disclosure, I did miss one meeting. And I will tell you I paid for it each day until our next meeting. I missed out on hearing each day reviewed, and others perspective. I missed watching the video where Beth (in only the way she can) explains the study, brings it to life, and helps us understand how it apply it to our day to day. And I missed valuable time with my sisters in the presence of our Savior. Though each night was a battle getting out the door, I did it. Because when I didn’t a bigger battle raged within me.
Fellowship– I did not grow up attending church, so I feel insecure about my knowledge when I’m asked to speak without time to research/study and prepare. And the idea of being in a room with women I didn’t know, whose knowledge would surely surpass my own felt a little overwhelming. But there was the devil again. Making me believe that I had nothing to contribute, or that all the women I’d meet weren’t in different places in their walk. And the biggest lie of all, that any of that mattered to God. Fellowship is about the gathering of people from all backgrounds, with all levels of experience and understanding, coming together as one to worship, acknowledge, and learn about God. Participating in honest discussions helped us to learn about each other, ourselves, and Him. What a lost it would have been to sit there silently each week.
After this study, I feel energized. I feel like I’ve learned so much about the anointed, King David, in a way that I never had before. He has become a dear friend to me. Throughout the study I clapped and cheered at the victories God provided him. I covered my eyes not wanting to see him disobey God. And I wept each time he lost a loved one. God is so good to have provided us with recording the life of David.
From him we can learn what to do, and what not to do. How to pray and worship wholeheartedly. Being there every step of the way with David, I also witness God’s goodness, and mercy to him. And in extension to us. Though I simply attended a Women’s Bible Study, in the comfort of a church with working AC/heat, in a country (that for now) allows me to worship our Savior. I feel as if I’ve traveled a great distance. I’ve walked with David through deserts and kingdoms, and sweetly rested and dined with the Lord. All it cost me was the price of a book, and a willing heart to go.
I encourage you all; men or women, married or single, a new believer or long time follower, to join a study. You can not even begin to imagine the ways it will change you, strengthen you, and encourage you. God is good. Spend time getting to know Him more intimately.
Dear God, thank you for teachers like Beth Moore and all those who spread the gospel. I pray more people will take part in attending studies and services. Continue to call us and draw us closer to you, ever increase our hunger for Your Word. Let your teaching not fall on deaf ears, but be firmly planted in our hearts. Help us to see your goodness and unfailing love in a world that seems to be falling apart. My prayer today is that we chose you above all else. That we have a heart that wants to know you, and a mind to understand you. Thank you, Lord, for choosing us every day. -Amen