It’s easy to tell our children to chase their dreams, and to be persistent. They’re young and have their whole life ahead of them. But are we examples of what that looks like. With bills, work, and a number of other responsibilities it’s hard to put a finger on the moment we stopped chasing our dreams. Now don’t get me wrong some of you maybe enjoying the spoils of your hard work and determination. And I am definitely not saying a simple life isn’t a fulfilled one. What I’m asking is when was the last time you set a goal for yourself that you knew wouldn’t be easy? Had a dream that may even take years to achieve? For anyone doing that now, I applaud you. Because it can be hard to push ourselves. It’s called our comfort zone for a reason, right?
Memory Lane
I can look back and for the most part say my high school years were pretty average. I had friends, I was involved in a number of clubs, I was in drama (make of that what you will), and I had good grades. But I knew there was one thing I really wanted; to be part of our school’s dance team. Aside from having some classical dance training in my early years, I had no experience, and I didn’t know any of the other dancers. But after a long day of try outs I made it. My first year I was on JV and the following year I joined Variety.
But ending the story there would be only a half truth. The truth is that some of the girls in Variety did not want me there. It was your typical “high school” thing. They didn’t like some of my friends so of course that had to extend that to me. So every time we’d learn a new dance or were preparing for a performance they would always place me in the back rows, or off to the side. Did I not mention that these girls were team captains. I’m sure they wanted to be discouraging, but for some reason it didn’t stop me. Maybe it was because I just loved to dance, and being on stage was worth all the grief they gave me.
Keep the Fire Going
I kept my eyes on my goal and not my surroundings. And in all honesty sometimes I have to remind myself to light that fire again. But in addition of facing mean girls, I face society pressure, mommy guilt, and even self doubt. Because let’s face it, no matter our age reaching our goals will always be faced with challenges. So when we’re asking our children to go for it, to chase their dreams, we need to make sure they know what that looks like.
I’ll never forget at the end of my senior year in high school, when everyone was signing yearbooks and saying goodbye like they had always been friends. Our dance team had an end of the year party. When it came time for awards you heard the standard ones, Most Improved, #1 Team Captain, and so on. These awards were given out and decided by, you guessed it, the group who didn’t “prefer” me. So when it came to my turn I received, wait for it…the Most Persistent Award.
Thanks, I Know
I knew that they had tried to discourage me, maybe in the hopes that I’d drop out. But try as they did they didn’t get rid of me. If anything I got better and more confident. So much so that our dance teacher even moved me to the front in a number of our performances (thanks Ms. Newman). That award was probably meant as a joke, or maybe it was meant as an acknowledgement to their failed attempts. Whatever the case, I took it as a badge of honor. Because if you really want something and face no opposition then it’s that in and of itself a red flag.
Challenge and Change
Go For It
So whatever it is you’re trying to do moms and dads, go for it. Whether it’s deciding to homeschooling, returning to college, changing your career to something completely new, go for it. We all have different gifts and talents that the world needs us to use. So what if it isn’t the way we thought your life would go, or if it doesn’t fit the mold of how everyone else has done it. We can only live our story. So if there is something you really want then don’t be discouraged by the road blocks, just go off-roading. The fact is the struggle will make that victory all the more sweeter. Because if there’s any award we should want to win in life it should be The Most Persistent Award.